Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Community engagement

The Department of Human Sciences is characterised by its strength in teaching and interdisciplinary focus, offering opportunities for dialogue, debate and interaction with society through educational and cultural events and projects, sharing academic results and helping to spread culture-related knowledge in Verona and Italy.
The Department has numerous local and national partnerships with many institutions: MIUR, the Regional School Office, schools and academic institutions at all levels, Verona City Council, the Fine Arts Academy of Verona, Veneto Regional Administration, culture-promoting associations, banking foundations and cultural foundations.
The Department also offers advice for training and educational activities, for carrying out training services in society and for creating and implementing research projects.
Regarding public engagement, the Department is actively involved in initiatives for participatory democracy, orientation for young students, local and national development, lifelong learning, the dissemination of knowledge and the positive impact that academic and educational activities are able to have on society and the local area.
Eventi di public engagement


Con l’espressione public engagement si identifica l'insieme delle attività senza scopo di lucro, con valore educativo, culturale e di sviluppo della società svolte a beneficio di pubblici diversi rispetto agli studenti, alle comunità scientifiche o alle imprese.



Search by key words.

  • The search will find the first 100 items relevant to the key word(s).
  • The search results will show people, publications, research projects and skills within the Department.

  • ESEMPIO 1: spatial data  cerca:
    '...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...'
  • ESEMPIO 2: spatial, data cerca:
    '...spatial...' OR ''
  • ESEMPIO 3: spatial data, molecular cerca:
    ('...spatial ...<qualsiasi cosa in mezzo>... data...') OR 'molecular'

*Si possono inserire fino a 2 virgole; parole seguenti una terza o successive virgole verranno ignorate per evitare un appesantimento del carico del server.
È comunque sempre possibile effettuare piú interrogazioni successive.

Services for the public
