To know the specificity of the social pedagogy and the major methodological approaches.
in the creation of cultural mediation paths that promote meeting and transformation processes into local community paths.
To deepen, in the social pedagogy, the creation of paths of cultural mediation with individuals, families, groups with different age and languages.
The course’s program includes:
Theoretical Contributes' Analysis of social and community pedagogy,
Cultural mediation devices and local community transformation
methodological approaches in social pedagogy,
Deepening Seminars: The Social Theatre as Social-educational mediation
Recommended readings:
Sergio Tramma, Pedagogia sociale, Guerini, Milano (Last edition)
Anna Maria Piussi, Paesaggi e figure della formazione nella creazione sociale Carocci, Roma 2006.
Rosanna Cima, Abitare le diversità. Pratiche di mediazione culturale: un percorso fra territorio e istituzioni, Carocci, Roma, 2005.
Renato Perina, Per una pedagogia del teatro sociale, Franco Angeli, 2008.
During the course will be provided indication about text to be deepened.
the students that won't attend the course, besides the listed books, must study: Paulo FREIRE , La pedagogia degli oppressi, ed. EGA, Torino 2002.
Not attending Students are kindly invited at the meeting the october 23 at 17:20 – aula Artigliere.
Interview. Students can compile an individual writing, that keeps in mind the texts faced during the course and the experiences relating the course themes.
The writing must be delivered on paper and via email a week before the exam and will be discussed in the examination.
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