One will work in order to achieve the following goals:
- Analyze and understand the interpersonal relation between educator and child/teenager/adult
- Analyze and understand the social processes which regulate interpersonal relationships in social, sanitary and socio-sanitary context,
- One will try to understand problems related to the way the caregiver enter s and keeps the relationship with the child or the teenager,
- Understand the different attitudes of the caregiver and his/her way of conducting relationship with the child, teenager or adult, the segregation social/organisational practice and violence, aggressive behavior, how can aggressive cues influence aggressive behavior,
- understand the principles of the attachment theory and the origin of intersubjectivity
-attachment theorists : Bowlby&Ainsworth; Main; Kaplan; Cassidy; Hazan; Shaver; Bartholomew; Mikulincer, Liotti – attitudes and perception; - attributions and behavior; - social support; - normative and informational influence on behavior; - the dynamics of obedience; - interpersonal vs. group behavior; -Group polarization; -The power of a consistent minority aggressive behavior segregation and violence cooperation and competition 1) Pedrazza M., 2010, Pratiche educative e processi psicologici, Carocci, Roma 2) Zamperini A., 2004, Prigioni della mente. Relazioni di oppressione e resistenza, Einaudi, Torino
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