Research groups

MelArete – virtue ethics

The research group “MelArete – virtue ethics” is aimed at designing and conducting educative researches on ethical, spiritual and political education, creating and evaluating educative paths useful for schools (“service research”). These researches are particularly devoted to enhance ethical education for children attending kindergarten and primary and secondary schools. Ethics is intended as a personal and communitarian research for the good, getting able every person to bloom in his/her existential qualities, with and for the others. Ethical education, nowadays more and more necessary, is framed in the spiritual education vision, intended as the need for people to look for the meaning of life, building together a sympathetic community (political education). The research group “MelArete – virtue ethics” intends to put ethical education at the hearth of the school life, working together with teachers and for them, supporting their educational competences. Our vision of ethical education is aimed at improving the disposition to the good (virtues, according to Aristotle’s position) that is possible to be taught thanks to a critical reflectivity (through good school instruments). The name ‘MelArete’ attests this idea: educative care (melete) and virtue ethics (arete).
Contact people
Luigina Mortari

Rosi Bombieri
Temporary Assistant Professor
Marco Ubbiali
Associate Professor
Luigina Mortari
Full Professor
Federica Valbusa
Temporary Assistant Professor
External components
Ilaria Berardi
Università di Verona
Migena Rexha
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Topic Research area
Epistemology of qualitative Inquiry Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Theory and practice of education
Philosophy of care Teorie e pratiche della cura
Theory and practice of education
Philosophy of existence Teorie e pratiche della cura
Theory and practice of education
Methodology of qualitative research Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Theory and practice of education
Research for children Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Theory and practice of education
Qualitative research in education Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Theory and practice of education
Service learning and Community engagement Formazione e organizzazioni
Theory and practice of education
Theory of emotional education Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Theory and practice of education
Theory of ethical education Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Teorie e pratiche di educazione socio-emotiva    Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Theory and practice of education
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
EDUCATE TO VIRTU Luigina Mortari May 1, 2009 72
Educational Leadership in the Virtues project Luigina Mortari, Valentina Mazzoni Sep 1, 2014 24
Melarete Luigina Mortari MIUR - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento Sep 1, 2014 72


Research facilities
