Labour Organisation and Human Resource Development - Modulo 1 (2008/2009)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Romano Toppan
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. II A dal Feb 23, 2009 al Apr 9, 2009.

To show the organization of the course that includes this module, follow this link * Course organization

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The monographic course is up to offer to the students an approach focused on the emerging organizational models like : the networking in the frame of the rise and development of the network society, the methodologies of the new governance styles both in the private enterprises and public institutions ( Corporate governance and Corporate Social Responsibility), the transcultural management in the frame of the human resources development for the immigrant workers integration ( diversity management) and the quality systems and certification-


The programme of the monographic course encompasses the following contents :
- Rise and evolution of the modern network society : access era, social networks, community interests
- Organizational models and human resources management in the multicultural and intercultural milieu in the frame of the migration flows and immigrants’integration in the labour market
- Origin and evolution of the quality systems and their effect in the organizational change
- Social Responsibility and ethic certification : what is the impact on the management and development of the human resources ?

Books for the exam :

The monographic course will be evaluated by means of a written test on one of the following texts :
Castells M.( 2002), La nascita della società in rete, Università Bocconi Editore, Milano
Favretto G. (2007) Organizzare la soddisfazione in sanità, Franco Angeli/Sanità, Milano

Favretto G. (a cura di)(2005), Le forme del mobbing, cause e conseguenze di dinamiche organizzative disfunzionali, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano
Rifkin J.(2000), L’era dell’accesso, Mondadori,Milano
Rifkin J.(1997), La fine del lavoro. Il declino della forza lavoro globale e l’avvento dell’era post-mercato – Baldini & Castoldi, Milano.
Toppan R. (2006), Verso una società ospitale, Regione Veneto Editore. ( download on the web site of the Veneto Region ).
Toppan R. (2007),Responsabilità Sociale delle imprese : SA 8000, CSR, AA1000, Manual provided by the Teacher.
Toppan R. (2006), I padri della qualità, Manual provided by the Teacher..
