To show the organization of the course that includes this module, follow this link Course organization
The monographic course is up to offer to the students an approach focused on the emerging organizational models like : the networking in the frame of the rise and development of the network society, the methodologies of the new governance styles both in the private enterprises and public institutions ( Corporate governance and Corporate Social Responsibility), the transcultural management in the frame of the human resources development for the immigrant workers integration ( diversity management) and the quality systems and certification-
The programme of the monographic course encompasses the following contents :
- Rise and evolution of the modern network society : access era, social networks, community interests
- Organizational models and human resources management in the multicultural and intercultural milieu in the frame of the migration flows and immigrants’integration in the labour market
- Origin and evolution of the quality systems and their effect in the organizational change
- Social Responsibility and ethic certification : what is the impact on the management and development of the human resources ?
Books for the exam :
The monographic course will be evaluated by means of a written test on one of the following texts :
Castells M.( 2002), La nascita della società in rete, Università Bocconi Editore, Milano
Favretto G. (2007) Organizzare la soddisfazione in sanità, Franco Angeli/Sanità, Milano
Favretto G. (a cura di)(2005), Le forme del mobbing, cause e conseguenze di dinamiche organizzative disfunzionali, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano
Rifkin J.(2000), L’era dell’accesso, Mondadori,Milano
Rifkin J.(1997), La fine del lavoro. Il declino della forza lavoro globale e l’avvento dell’era post-mercato – Baldini & Castoldi, Milano.
Toppan R. (2006), Verso una società ospitale, Regione Veneto Editore. ( download on the web site of the Veneto Region ).
Toppan R. (2007),Responsabilità Sociale delle imprese : SA 8000, CSR, AA1000, Manual provided by the Teacher.
Toppan R. (2006), I padri della qualità, Manual provided by the Teacher..
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