Faculty Board of PhD in Human Sciences

Lorenzo Bernini
Type of body
PhD committee
Human Sciences

The Board of the PhD programme in Human Sciences has the scientific, organizational and teaching responsibility of the Programme. In particular, the PhD Board plays a steering and supervising function of the students’ doctoral track and designates a supervisor for each PhD student. The PhD Board designs and contributes to accomplish and evaluate the specific training activities of the Doctoral Programme. These activities utilize the expertise of the members of the PhD Board (both Italian and international members), and other international collaborations. Furthemore, the PhD Board encourages the students to participate in training activities organized by other national and international doctoral programmes, and to spend extended periods of research and study abroad. Finally, the PhD Board is in charge of the evaluation of the students' work in order to admit them the following year and to send the dissertation to the external reviewers.

Board Meeting schedule, PhD Programme in Human Sciences 


Department facilities
