History of education
History of school and educational-welfare institutions |
Paola Dal Toso
to analyze the evolution of school, in particular referring to teacher education and didactic methods;
to deep the knowledge of institutions devoted to welfare and children education, from their foundation to the surpassing of the model of Residential Child Care Centre. |
Theory and practice of education
Religious education with particular reference to the experienced youth world. |
Paola Dal Toso
Youth world is so complex that it is difficult to understand it: at a superficial sight it can appear as portended to evanescent and banal dimensions. Researches attest that there is a growing number of self-reporting young people as non-believer, even if they attended catechesis and parish life. They have a so lacking knowledge of faith contents that it seems that religion has nothing to tell them.
Otherwise, other researches put in evidence that young people are in search of the sense of life, looking for the “absolute”: God is not absent from their existential horizon. They are not churchgoers, but they look for a real relationship with God, even if in a not clear way.
In this challenging situation, what is the role of the educator? What are the possible actions to do?
Hermeneutics as an educational and pedagogical methodology |
Daniele Loro
To know how to educate it is not enough to observe and describe carefully an educational event; it is not even possible to go directly and mechanically from observation to design and then to action. In the middle there is the essential moment of the educator (or of the pedagogist) who understands the meaning of what he observes and then "translates" it into intentional action, that is to say in a project.From the effectiveness of the project the validity and the value of the "understanding" and of its "interpretation" can be confirmed. This research activity is part of the following research line, activated in the Department: "Roots and cultures of contemporaneity: pedagogical theories".
Cosmology and astronomical systems in the modern age |
Enrico Peruzzi
Study and researches about philosophical and scientific classical sources of cosmology and astronomical systems from Copernic to Newton |
Classical German Philosophy with particular attention to the scientific and aesthetic thought of the following authors: Newton, Leibniz, Euler e Kant |
Lucia Procuranti
The research topic is inserted in the historical period that goes from 1600 to the end of 1700 and focuses on the scientific and aesthetic writings of Immanuel Kant and on the scientific sources connected to them. For this purpose studies on the thought of Descartes, Maupertuis, Newton, Leibniz, Baumgarten e Euler are relevant. |
Platonism and Aristotelianism in the Italian Renaissance |
Enrico Peruzzi
Researches about the Platonic and Aristotelian tradition in the Venetian culture and the School of Padua in the Sixteenth Century |
Kantian Criticism |
Tommaso Tuppini
The speculative thought of Immanuel Kant |
Filosofia classica e accademica tedesca |
Davide Bondì
Studio della produzione avutasi in Germania, soprattutto nel XIX secolo, intorno alla filosofia, la psicologia e l’ermeneutica del linguaggio, con particolare attenzione per i contributi di Friedrich D. E. Schleiermacher, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Heymann Steinthal, Moritz Lazarus.
German classic philosophy |
Laura Anna Macor
Study of (post-)Kantian philosophy, with particular focus on the genesis and early development of the idealistic systems following the methodology of "Konstellationsforschung". |
Filosofia della storia nel dibattito anglofono contemporaneo |
Davide Bondì
Studio del dibattito contemporaneo sulla filosofia della storia, con riguardo soprattutto alle discussioni tra le correnti neo-vitalistiche (Gumbrecht, Runia, LaCapra), afferenti al linguistic turn (White, Jay, Megill) e neo-pragmatiste (Ankersmit, Tucker, Gormann). |
Philosophy and literature in German culture |
Laura Anna Macor
Study of the interaction between philosophy and literature in modern and contemporary German culture: authors (e.g.: Lessing, Schiller, Hölderlin, H. v. Kleist), relationship between poetry and philosophy, literary genres, rhetorical strategies. |
Filosofia italiana |
Davide Bondì
Studio del pensiero italiano dell’Ottocento e del Novecento, con particolare riguardo alle correnti storicistiche, idealistiche, marxiane. Sotto il profilo metodologico grande attenzione è prestata, in questo caso, al nesso filosofia-politica. Molte indagini sono condotte avvalendosi anche del metodo della filologia d’autore attraverso ricerche d’archivio. |
The early modern terminology of "care". |
Laura Anna Macor
Diachronic and comparative investigation into the early modern development of the following key terms relating to "care", with special focus on the German area: Sorge/cura/epiméleia, Bestimmung/vocatio-destinatio/érgon-tàxis-epaggelìa, Betrachtung/meditatio/meléte, (Aus)Übung/exercitium/àskesis. |
Roots and culture of contemporary world |
Linda Napolitano
History of ancient philosophy can be thought as a research into roots and cultures of contemporary world |
Teoria e metodi della storiografia |
Davide Bondì
Indagine sui metodi e le teorie della storia della filosofia nei suoi rapporti con gli altri saperi disciplinari. |
Estetica |
Markus Georg Ophaelders
Filosofia dell'Arte e della Musica; Critica Culturale; Teoria Letteraria; Critica Sociale; Filosofia della Storia |
Moral Thought by German Modern Philosophers |
Giorgio Erle
This research field concerns the rational foundation of Ethics and reflection on moral action within moral thought by German Modern Philosophers, particularly referring to Leibniz, Kant, Hegel and also to more recent philosophical positions that refer to that tradition. |
Iconic Neo-structuralism and visual studies |
Riccardo Panattoni
It is a research field where structuralism is rethought referring to the virtual reality of images and no longer to language. Visual studies analyse the mutual implications between the usage of technological devices, images and philosophy. |
Philosophy of images |
Gianluca Solla
It is a field of research dedicated to photography and cinema, as well as to the images of memory, as they contribute to the formation of the processes of subjectivation, in their relationship with language. |
Ontology of relation |
Tommaso Tuppini
Ontology of relation tries to rethink the experience of the relation in a concrete way: the terms of the relation are not already given, they become functions of the relation itself. The relation is the genesis of the related terms and can only be understood by a thought of continuity and intensity. |
French Thought of Difference |
Tommaso Tuppini
Rethinking the contribution of French philosophy of the second half of the Twentieth century to the philosophy of difference, in particular from Deleuze and Derrida to the thought of complexity of Edgar Morin |
Critique of Culture (Cultural Studies); Modern and Contemporary Music; Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century |
Markus Georg Ophaelders
Pier Alberto Porceddu Cilione
Culture is a problem that, over the last 200 years, has increasingly moved to the center of reflection, which is obviously a cultural moment, too. In fact, if on the one hand it is through culture that one educates and forms minds and consciences, it is undeniable that it always involves a bit of barbarism. It has been argued that it is necessary to survive the culture, that we need to push barbarism to the end so that a new culture can be born or, more simply, that, after Auschwitz, it was no longer possible. Especially literature and music have addressed this dialectic, especially in the 20th century. Especially in present times, in the face of encounter and the clash of different cultures, these issues acquire an ever greater weight. |
Psychology, Experimental
Neuropsychology |
Valentina Moro
psycological and neuropsychological investigation of disorders of awareness regarding illness states, with the analysis of biological correlates |
cognitive neurosciences |
Valentina Moro
Michele Scandola
Embodied cognition theory: Psychophisic, neuropsychological and physiological analyses of effects of sensory-motor disorders in cognition |
Sociologia del corpo |
Debora Viviani
Analisi e studio delle dinamiche legate al corpo, come elemento culturale e di costruzione dell'identità personale |
Sociology of Memory |
Luca Mori
Research on the phenomena and the practices connected to the dimension of remembrance