General Didactics and Group Labour Methods and Techniques (2008/2009)

Course not running

Spazio Moodle non più disponibile
Course code
Name of lecturer
Giuseppina Messetti
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. II A, Sem. II B

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed at achieving the following education goals:
promote the acquisition of basic knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of educational and didactic activities in formal and non-formal contexts;
carry out an in-depth analysis of two fundamental dimensions of an educator’s professional action: educative relationship and planning, seen as an essential instrument in directing the action;
promote the acquisition of specific knowledge concerning groups in an educative context and – in students attending the course – the ability to operate positively as members of a work group.


Scopes and contexts of didactics
The planning dimension: theoretical outline and operative guidelines
The methodological and gnoseological dimension
The relational dimension of didactic-educational action
The group as a relational phenomenon and learning context
Group work as an educational and didactic strategy


Calvani A., Elementi di didattica, Carocci, Roma,
Maccario D., Le nuove professioni educative. La didattica nei servizi socio-culturali e assistenziali, Carocci, Roma, 2005 (capp. 1, 4, 5, 6)
Passuello L., Formazione e progettualità, in A. Agosti (a cura di), La formazione. Interpretazioni pedagogiche e indicazioni operative, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006 (pp. 61-75)
Blandino G., Granieri B., La disponibilità ad apprendere,
Messetti G., Pensare i gruppi, Libreria Universitaria Editrice, Verona, 2006 (disponibile presso Libreria Universitaria Erasmo, via dell'Artigliere 3/a, Verona)

One of the following readings at your choice:

Agosti A., Gruppo di lavoro e lavoro di gruppo. Aspetti pedagogici e didattici, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006
Atzei P. (a cura di), La gestione dei gruppi nel terzo settore. Guida al cooperative learning, Carocci, Roma, 2003
Johnson W., Johnson R.T., Holubec E. J., Apprendimento cooperativo in classe, Erikson, Trento, 2000

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning is assessed in two exams: a multiple-choice test focusing on the contents of the exam readings (except the chosen one) and a short dissertation to be handed in once passed the first test (with a score of at least 80% correct answers). Precise instructions concerning the writing, times and modes of delivery of the dissertation will be given on the website at the beginning of the course.

Attending students will be assessed in different ways (also in group papers), as illustrated during the first lessons.
