General Didactics (2015/2016)

Course not running

Spazio Moodle non più disponibile
Course code
Name of lecturer
Alberto Agosti
Alberto Agosti
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Lab. IA, Sem . IA, Sem. IB

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

Preliminary notes and general learning aims
This course aims at offering an introduction to basic knowledge and skills related to teaching profession in the primary school. In particular it is focused on interesting students in didactics through a theoretical and practical point of view. There will be classroom activities which allow students to actively participate. During the classes the Italian model of school during the 1970s will be proposed. This model is still very much current. A further aim of the course is to stress the importance of the evolution of didactics since the last century to the current one.


Teaching programme
- education and teaching: the role of school today
- didactics as a complex knowledge
- teaching styles and methods
- the school as a research kernel
- teaching by skills
- ministry rules on teaching contents
- evolution of didactics in the 20th century

Teaching methods
Ex-cathedra classes will be held with the support of films, videoclips and other sources. Every student will be required to examine some of these documents on their own and hold a presentation on the subject during a classroom. It is provided the use of an electronic platform which will be available for attending and non-attending students. The use of the platform will be considered in the assessment process.

Teaching textbooks
- Agosti A., Pratiche didattiche sullo schermo. Per un pensare riflessivo sull’insegnamento, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2013. (Attenzione: si consiglia molto caldamente la visione dei seguenti film: L’attimo fuggente, Mona Lisa Smile, Diario di un maestro (cfr. più sotto), Conrack, Ricomincia da oggi, Essere e avere, La guerra dei fiori rossi, Il ragazzo selvaggio. These films can be found at the Videoteca ‘Pietro Roveda’ at the III floor of Palazzo Zorzi, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 17).
- Agosti A., Galanti M. A., Franceschini G., Didattica: strutture, evoluzione e modelli, Clueb, Bologna 2009, pagg. 47-151; (si chiede allo studente di approfondire uno degli Autori citati nell’intervallo di pagine indicato, a sua scelta. Il testo di questo capitolo, essendo il volume esaurito, si trova in piattaforma tra i materiali di studio in pdf.)
- Giunti A., La scuola come centro di ricerca, La Scuola, Brescia 2012. Edizione a cura di Giuseppe Bertagna.
- Maccario D., A scuola di competenze. Verso un nuovo modello didattico, SEI, Torino 2012.
- Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Indicazioni per il curricolo per la scuola dell’infanzia e per il primo ciclo d’istruzione.
- Diario di un maestro, di Vittorio de Seta, Feltrinelli, Milano 2012 (it will be required to carefully view the whole DVDs included).


Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment methods
The written verification test will include a list of open questions regarding the subjects of the programme. The ability of processing the acquired knowledge will especially be considered, as well as the readability of the handwriting.

