Teaching of reading and writing and Italian L2 - Didattica della lettura e della scrittura (2014/2015)

Course not running

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Course code
Name of lecturer
Paola Amarelli
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. 2 A dal Mar 2, 2015 al Apr 1, 2015.

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Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course will focus on the main features and structures of reading/writing learning processes. Therefore, pivotal functions envolved in the learning of both skills will be clarified as well as the basic, theoretical principles governing specific teaching methods.
1. CONTENTS. Moving from a general survey on the fundamental aspects of reading and writing didactics and going through some significant educational activities, after considering the Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo dell'infanzia e del I ciclo di istruzione (2012), the course will take account of:

- cognitive and linguistic development;
- phonological, lexical, semantic, and synctactic development;
- spoken-language teaching and learning;
- children linguistic theories: from pictographic to alphabetic writings;
- reading and writing for beginners;
- linguistic difficulties detection tools and remedial methods;
- children interest, motivation, self-evaluation, and autonomy;
- classroom communication and pragmatic competence.


2. AIMS. Students will get (or strenghten) knowledge of:
- aspects and functions of linguistic competence;
- methods for learning and imparting linguistic skills;
- observation and grading tools (useful for early detection of linguistic difficulties).
3. REFERENCES. Students are required to read the following essays:
 G. Meneghello, Si parla per sillabe. Si scrive per lettere. Metodo ortogenetico per una significativa innovazione nell’apprendimento della letto-scrittura, EUROTIPO, Sommacampagna (VR), 2001.
 F. Anello, Insegnare a leggere e a scrivere. Linee metodologiche e pratica didattica, Palumbo, Palermo, 2009.
 L. Cisotto (e gruppo RDL), Prime competenze di letto-scrittura: proposte per il curricolo di letto-scrittura, Erickson, Trento, 2009.

Assessment methods and criteria

4. Lessons and practical experiences will take place in classroom. At the end of the course, students are going to be examined by their teacher (oral test).
