Work and organizational psychology (2013/2014)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Riccardo Sartori
Riccardo Sartori
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem IA, Sem IB

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

This is mainly a course of psychology, academic discipline dealing with human behavior and its underlying cognitive and emotional constructs. In particular, Work and Organizational Psychology deals with psychological aspects (of cognitive, emotional and behavioral kind) connected to work and organizational contexts. Among the first ones, we can find intelligence (which is mainly a cognitive construct), motivation (which is mainly an emotional construct) and commitment (which is mainly a behavioral construct). Among the second ones, we can find the sense of belonging to a working group and to an organization (which can affect both positively and negatively on social identity), role dynamics and conflict. Following the typical research and intervention line that comes from individuals to organizations through groups, the course specifically deals with:


1.4. The individual at work and in organizations
- Cognitive characteristics: intelligence and convictions:
o Scale for the IQ determination (Stanford-Binet, Wechsler, ecc.);
o Aptitude tests;
o Opinions and attitudes;
o Gardner (multiple intelligences) and Goleman (emotional intelligence).

- Emotional characteristics: needs and motivations:
o Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, self-centered and other-centered motivations;
o Maslow’s hierarchy of needs;
o Rogers’ self-actualization;
o Herzberg’s two factor theory.

- Behavioral characteristics: abilities and competences:
o Abilities, capacities, skills and competences;
o Job evaluation (job description; job analysis; task analysis);
o Performance evaluation (performance);
o Potential evaluation: from work behaviors to underlying constructs.

1.5. Working group and group work: organizational dynamics
- Cooperation vs. Competition;
- Inclusion vs. Exclusion;
- Cohesion vs. Conflict (functional conflict and pathological conflict, Tajfel);
- Leadership vs. Membership (Lewin, Likert, Fiedler e Bass)
- Dependence vs. Autonomy
- Task orientation (operating effectiveness) vs. relational orientation (interactive effectiveness) – Bass.

1.6. Organization and orgnizational functions
- Organizational Development (Bennis e Schein):
o Assessment and selection (Assessment Center and Development Center);
o Training (knowledge, abilities, attitudes);
o Vocational guidance (mentoring, tutoring and coaching);
- Cultures, sub-cultures and counter-cultures;
- Diversity Management;
- Organizational and safety climate: stress, mobbing, burnout and accidents at work.

Assessment methods and criteria

Books for exam

7. Sarchielli G. (2008) Psicologia del lavoro. il Mulino, Bologna.
8. Depolo M. (2007) Psicologia delle organizzazioni. il Mulino, Bologna.
9. Favretto G. (2010) Organizzazione del lavoro per lo sviluppo delle risorse umane. QuiEdit, Verona.
10. Favretto G., Sartori R. (2007) Le età dell’impresa. Franco Angeli, Milano.
11. Favretto G., Albertini C.G., Sartori R., Bortolani E., Biazzi D. (2009) Work harassment. Franco Angeli, Milano.
12. Sartori R. (2010) Tecniche proiettive e strumenti psicometrici per l’indagine di personalità. Approccio idiografico e approccio nomotetico a confronto. LED, Milano.

Written exam with open and closed questions from the books.
