Philosophy of Science (2008/2009)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Ivan Valbusa
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. II A dal Feb 23, 2009 al Apr 9, 2009.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course is conceived as an introduction to the philosophy of science, with the presentation of some important moments of the scientific development and of the philosophical problems connected to these.


I) Features of history of the philosophy of science:
a) The philosophy of science in the ancient andmedieval thought; b) The science in the modern era and its philosophical implications; c) The positivism; d) The crisis of the concept of unity of science and the new perspectives of the philosophy of science: conventionalism, logical empiricism, falsificationism, operationism, theory of scientific revolutions, programs of the scientific research. For the signalled matters: a) LOSEE, Philosophy of the science, Capp. 1. 8, 9 (sezz. The, II, III § § 1, 2), 10, 11; 12 (§ § 1-3), 14 (§ § 1, 2); b) the notes of the lessons.
II) Themes of philosophy of science:
to) Logic and philosophy of science; b) The models; c) Science, philosophy and metaphysics in the 19th and 20th centuries; d) Empirical induction and mathematical induction. For the signalled matters: a) GILLIES, GIORELLO, You philosophy of the science in the XX century; AA.VV., Philosophy of the science, edited by C. Sinigaglia; b) the notes of the lessons.

Texts for the examination:
J. LOSEE, Filosofia della scienza. Un’introduzione, Milano: Il Saggiatore.

Further readings:
D. GILLIES, G. GIORELLO, La filosofia della scienza nel XX secolo, Roma-Bari: Laterza;
AA.VV., Filosofia della scienza, a cura di C. Sinigaglia, Milano: Cortina, 2002
A. COMTE, Corso di filosofia positiva, a cura di A. Lunardon, Brescia: La Scuola;
J.-H. POINCARÉ, La scienza e l’ipotesi, a cura di C. Sinigaglia, Milano: Bompiani;
M. SCHLICK, Forma e contenuto, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2008.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam

Teaching aids

