Adult training didactics (2007/2008)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Alberto Agosti
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. II B dal Apr 21, 2008 al May 31, 2008.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course is basically designed to reach three objectives: firstly, it is intended to study research aimed at updating the interpretation standards of pedagogy; secondly, it considers novel suggestions induced by the combination of different research and practical approach prospects. Thirdly, it is intended to leave room for reading, studying, in-depth analysis and interpretation of educational experience considered as exemplary appealing to grown-ups. The main purpose is emphasising the fact that the relationship between theory and practice, namely between theoreticians and practitioners of educational methods, can guarantee the implementation of successful methods for further education purposes, capable of reaching relevant learning standards and focusing attention on the pedagogical quality of actions, both designed and implemented.


This course consists of the following blocks of units:
- theories and patterns of educational methods: looking backwards and considering viable future prospects;
- collaboration prospects between theoreticians and practitioners;
- qualitative methods of design and implementation of teaching and learning among grown-ups;
- learning from experience: the topicality of the work performed by Bertrand Schwartz.

Set books for examination:
Damiano E., La Nuova Alleanza. Temi problemi prospettive della Nuova Ricerca Didattica, La Scuola, Brescia, 2006.
Mortari L., La riflessività nella formazione in Agosti A. (ed), La formazione. Interpretazioni pedagogiche e indicazioni operative, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2006, pp. 163-182.
Passuello L., Formazione e progettualità in Agosti A. (ed), La formazione, cit., pp. 61-75.
Schawrtz B., Educazione degli edulti ed educazione permanente. 11 lezioni all’Università degli studi di Padova (R. Finazzi Sartor, A. Agosti, F. Gobbo eds), Liviana, Padova 1987.
Schwartz B., Modernizzare senza escludere: progetto di formazione contro l’emarginazione sociale e professionale, Anicia, Roma 1995.

Assessment methods and criteria

The rate of learning of the course content is determined by an oral test. Online work, if any, will be also taken into consideration for assessment purposes.
