Storia della famiglia e dell'infanzia (2007/2008)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Marina Garbellotti
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. I B dal Nov 12, 2007 al Dec 20, 2007.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The goal of this class is to teach methods to analyze and comprihend family structures and their evolution from the 15th century to the first decades of the 20th century examinating demographic and social aspects. The intention is to demonstrate how relationships between family members and family education are a result of cultural conditioning.


The main theme will be the transformation of wedlock during the XV-XX centuries. Phases that preceded the wedding (choice of future spouse/wife, family intrusion, wedding promise), how weddings were ended, cultural, juridical and economical aspects that ruled wedding relationships and their roles in the families.

Books for the exam

A choice between 2 books for those who attend class, a choice of 3 books for those who do not attend class.

Barbagli M., Sotto lo stesso tetto. Mutamenti della famiglia in Italia dal XV al XX secolo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000 (19841)
Barbagli M. – Kertzer D.I. (a cura di), Storia della famiglia in Europa. Dal Cinquecento alla Rivoluzione francese, Roma – Bari, Laterza, 2002 (except chapters I, II, IX)
Casanova C., La famiglia italiana in età moderna, Roma, NIS, 1997
De Giorgio M. – Klapisch-Zuber Ch. (a cura di), Storia del matrimonio, Roma – Bari, Laterza, 1996
Gaudemet J., Il matrimonio in Occidente, Torino, SEI, 1989 (ed. orig. 1987)
Pelaja M., Matrimonio e sessualità a Roma nell’Ottocento, Roma - Bari, Laterza, 1994
Lombardi D., Matrimoni di antico regime, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination will be oral.
