Psychology of disabilities and integration (2015/2016)

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Course code
Marinella Majorano
Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
Psicologia della disabilità 4 M-PSI/04-DEVELOPMENTAL AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Sem . IA Marinella Majorano
Psicologia dell'integrazione 4 M-PSI/04-DEVELOPMENTAL AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Sem. IB Daniela Raccanello
Laboratorio 1 M-PSI/04-DEVELOPMENTAL AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY See the unit page See the unit page

Learning outcomes

Module: Psicologia della disabilità
The course aims to provide a basic understanding of the theoretical and methodological issues related to the learning processes of preschool and school-age children with disabilities and special educational needs and to provide a basic knowledge of the risk indicators of difficulties or delays in these processes.
Specifically, the expected learning outcomes are as follows:
1) knowledge and understanding of the development models of specific learning and communication processes in children with disabilities and special educational needs; knowledge and understanding of prerequisite of learning (verbal and non verbal) and of memory and attention in learning development;
2) the ability to critically adopt an integrated approach to the educational processs, taking into account the relationship between biological functions, the characteristics of the school environment (education, teaching methods, the class group and the wider school setting) and the other contextual factors in shaping the learning processes, as proposed by the ICF approach;
3) the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in the process of observation and in planning educational programmes in various contexts, particularly for children with disabilities and/or special educational needs.

Module: Psicologia dell'integrazione
The course of Psychology of integration is aimed at giving basic knowledge relating to the main theoretical and methodological issues concerning integrative processes with children with special education needs. Moreover, we aim at giving specific knowledge relating to both specific categories of children with special education needs and specific domains of the psychological development.
Specifically, expected learning results are:
1) knowledge and understanding of basic aspects relating to school integration, examining in depth both theoretical models and contextual risk and promoting factors;
2) knowledge and understanding of basic aspects relating to specific categories of children with special education needs (e.g., children with social and cultural disadvantage) and some domains of the psychological development (e.g., socio-emotional development).

Module: Laboratorio
The laboratory of Psychology of disabilities and integration aims at promoting the practical use of knowledge acquired within the course of Psychology of disabilities and integration. Among expected results, there is the promotion of the ability to apply acquired knowledge regarding special education needs and/or disabilities, referring to linguistic, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.


Module: Psicologia della disabilità
The first part of the course considers the basic mechanisms of the learning and communicating processes in children with disabilities. An inclusive approach is considered which focuses on the the effect of the complex interaction between biological and environmental factors on the learning process. More detailed knowledge and understanding are offered of the specific characteristics of disabilities and/or special educational needs.
The second part of the course considers the role of context variables in educational processes at different levels (teaching programmes, class groups, school context, family), with reference to the ICF approach, taking into account the interaction between cognitive, socio-emotional and motivational factors in the learning process. It then explores the theme of observation and educational planning in relation to particular disabilities and/or special educational needs.
The lectures are supported by visual materials and will include discussion sessions in which the students will analyse research videos that illustrate the concepts and issues addressed.

Module: Psicologia dell'integrazione
In the first part of the course, we will focus on some basic aspects of the psychology of integration. Particular attention will be devoted to definitional issues, main theoretical approaches, and risk and promoting factors relating to integration processes, taking into account the role played by the context in terms of teachers, peers, and family.
In the second part of the course, we will focus on a specific category of students with special education needs, i.e. children with social and cultural disadvantage. Particular attention will be devoted to immigration and adoption/custody phenomena, with reference to salient characteristic concerning the psychological development.
In the third part of the course, we will focus on a specific domain of the psychological sphere, the socio-emotional domain associated with learning, in light of school integration processes. Particular attention will be devoted to definitional issues, main theoretical approaches, description and explanation of processes of emotional development, and ways of intervening at the socio-emotional level.

Lessons will be frontal. Students will be actively involved into discussions, in order to promote critical reflections on topics. Therefore, we advice students to be present during the lessons.

Following texts are mandatory.
Soresi, S. (2007). Psicologia della disabilità. Bologna: Il Mulino (second and third parts).
Duca V., Murineddu, M., & Leoni, L. (2010). Scuola senza frontiere: valutare e potenziare l'integrazione nella classe multiculturale. Giunti O.S.
Brodzinsky, D. M., & Palacios, J. (2011). Lavorare nell’adozione. Dalle ricerche alla prassi operativa. Milano: FrancoAngeli (chapters 4, 5, 6, 7). Edizione italiana a cura di M. Chistolini.
Morganti, A. (2012). Intelligenza emotiva e integrazione scolastica. Roma: Carocci.

Following texts are optional.
Arcuri, L., & Cadinu, M. (2011). Gli stereotipi. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Muzzatti, B. (2008). Gli atteggiamenti verso la disabilità: credenze, reazioni emotive e comportamenti delle persone non disabili. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, XXXV, 313-334.
Soresi, S., & Nota, L. (2001). La facilitazione dell'integrazione scolastica. Pordenone: Erip.
Colombo, M., & Ongini, V. (2014). Alunni con cittadinanza non italiana. L’eterogeneità dei percorsi scolastici. Rapporto nazionale A.s. 2012/2013. Milano: Fondazione ISMU-MIUR.
Raccanello, D. (2012). L’adozione dal punto di vista dei bambini: ruolo di età e coinvolgimento personale. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 16 (3), 507-529.
Rosnati, R. (a cura di) (2010). Il legame adottivo. Contributi internazionali per la ricerca e l’intervento. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Battacchi, M. W. (2004). Lo sviluppo emotivo. Bari: Editori Laterza.
Grazzani Gavazzi, I. (2014). Psicologia dello sviluppo emotivo. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Grazzani Gavazzi, I., Ornaghi, V., & Antoniotti, C. (2011). La competenza emotiva dei bambini. Trento: Erikson.
Lafortune, L., Doudin, P. A., Pons, F., & Hancock, D. R. (2012). Le emozioni a scuola. Riconoscerle, comprenderle e intervenire efficacemente. Trento: Erikson. Edizione italiana a cura di O. Albanese e C. Fiorilli.
Mariani, U., & Schiralli, R. (2012). Intelligenza emotiva a scuola. Percorso formativo per l’intervento con gli alunni. Trento: Erikson.

Module: Laboratorio
The activity included in the laboratory will focus on projecting interventions to favour the integration of children with special education needs and/or disabilities in different educational contexts, referring linguistic, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.

The activity included in the laboratory will propose active didactic strategies, based on collaborative learning, problem solving and peer discussion.

Assessment methods and criteria

Module: Psicologia della disabilità
The Psychology of Disability and Inclusion exam will consist of a written test only. The student will have 2 hours to answer six open questions: three questions about the Psychology of Disability, and three questions about the Psychology of Inclusion.

Exam texts
Preparation for the Psychology of Disability exam includes studying the following monographs:
Ianes, D. (2005). Bisogni Educativi Speciali e inclusione. Trento: Ed Erickson.
Cornoldi. C. (2013). Le difficoltà di apprendimento a scuola. Bologna: il Mulino.
Orsolini, M., Fanari, R., Maronato, C. (2006). Difficoltà di lettura nei bambini. Bologna: Carocci.

Module: Psicologia dell'integrazione
The exam of the whole Psychology of disabilities and integration course will be in written form, including six open questions: three relating to Psychology of disabilities and three relating to Psychology of integration (total time: two hours).

Module: Laboratorio
The activity included in the laboratory will result into the production of a project. During the laboratory, the teacher will explain how to elaborate the project.
