Psychological theories and educational applications (2019/2020)

Course not running

Course code
Laura Fontecedro
Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
ELEMENTI DI PSICOLOGIA DEI GRUPPI 4 not yet allocated Sabrina Berlanda


The teaching aims to deepen the main theoretical, methodological, epistemological and application models related to the psychology of development in the arc of life.
In particular, the course will address the different themes, combining them in an educational operational dimension:

• Birth and early childhood: behavioural states; perceptual skills; early developments in intersubjectivity; sense-motor and cognitive development; theories on the acquisition and development of language;
development of attachment relationship and attachment types. Dynamic theories on the development of object relationship.
Preschool and scholastic age: development of the conceptual self and complex emotions; development of narrative thinking and autobiographical memory; development of graphic representation; cognitive development: classical theory Criticism and affirmation of the paradigm of the theory of the Mind, vygotskian theory; development of executive functions and control of cognitive processes; emotional and social development, regulation of emotions, behavioural problems; self-esteem; relational dynamics in the peer group.
Preadolescence and adolescence: physiological and cognitive changes and consequences on psychic development; role of groups and friendships; bullying; functional and dysfunctional mentalization of the new sexual body; process of disengagement from parental figures; identity and individualization; cognitive development: classic theory and subsequent critiques; individual and environmental factors in the development of resilience vs. vulnerabilities.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students will be examined on the basis of:
verification of the comprehension skills of the theories illustrated; verification of knowledge relating to development processes; verification of knowledge relevant to the application of these competences in the educational context; verification of the capacity for appropriate application of the processed content and the use of critical thinking regarding the cases considered and the conceptual and methodological elements learned.
The examination will take place orally as follows:
Each question will be evaluated with one vote in 30th, the final grade of the examination will be the average of the partial evaluations. The evaluation will take into account four dimensions: knowledge of theoretical content (25%); capacity of appropriate application of the same in education (25%); knowledge of methodologies and appropriate tools in the various themes (25%); capacity for critical reworking of the studied content (25%).

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Pedrazza, M., Berlanda, S., de Cordova, F., & Fraizzoli, M. “I cambiamenti dell’ambiente di lavoro degli educatori nella società contemporanea” 2018 - Articolo del quale la docente fornirà la versione in italiano Pedrazza, M., Berlanda, S., de Cordova, F., Fraizzoli, M. (2018). The changing educators’ work environment in contemporary society, Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2186.
Pedrazza, M., & Berlanda, S. I professionisti nei servizi per i minori. Comunicazione, innovazione e buone prassi Erickson University and Research 2016 - Capitolo 3 “Servizio minori: team disperso?” (pp. 59-77) oppure - Capitolo 4 “La comunicazione nel Servizio minori: flusso e focus della comunicazione” (pp. 79-113) oppure - Capitolo 5 “Profili dei professionisti nel Servizio minori: comunicazione, preoccupazione e autoefficacia” Trento, (pp. 115-145).