Special Pedagogy (2012/2013)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Fabio Corsi
Fabio Corsi
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. 1A, Sem. 1B

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

Main aims of the course are to make clear terms and conditions about some contemporary issues, as concept of “inclusive citizenship”, and “educational and training special needs” in actual historical time. By some global themes, as the UN Convention of the Right of Persons with Disabilities, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, the social and lawmaking debates in some of EU Countries, students will learn some expertises required to project and lead adult trainings in organizations where there are people with special needs.
The goal of the course is the awareness that welfare system assessment is in a quick and radical change, in a “crisis” that is not necessarily a limit, but it can show new prospectives.


Special people: short history and reality of the “3rd nation in the world”;
Integration vs. Inclusion: a journey through bias, prejudice, welfarism and good practices;
The UN Convention of the Right of Persons with Disabilities and national law;
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a global language and a projective tool for work's policies;
The meaning of “special education needs” in the concept of “inclusion” and “citizenship”;
Over the crisis: from the end of a system to new opportunities;
The “special normality” told by its own heroes: scripts and tales from who lives limits every day.

1. Schianchi, M., “La Terza Nazione del Mondo” - Ed Feltrinelli “serie bianca”, (Milano, gennaio 2009);
2. Borgnolo, G., Tubaro, E., et al. (a cura di), “ICF e Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità” - Ed. Erickson, Trento (2009);
3. Ianes, D., “Bisogni Educativi Speciali e inclusione” - Ed. Erickson, Trento (2005);
4. Devastato, G., “Oltre la crisi” - Ed. Maggioli, Rimini (2012).

Optional-texts, choosing one of these:
Pontiggia, G., “Nati due volte” - Mondadori serie Oscar, Milano (2001);
Bauby, J.D., “Lo scafandro e la farfalla”- Ed. TEA, 1999 (o una delle edizioni disponibili);
Anzalone, D., “Handicappato e carogna” - Ed. Mondadori (2009);
Corsi, F., “Ciechi... per la matematica? Perché certe cose è meglio non vederle” - Ed. Libreria Universitaria Verona, Verona (2009);
Imprudente, C., “Una vita Imprudente. Percorsi di un diversabile in un contesto di fiducia” - Ed. Erickson, Trento (2003)

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam

Teaching aids

