Special Pedagogy (2011/2012)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Angelo Luigi Sangalli
Angelo Luigi Sangalli
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. 2B dal Apr 23, 2012 al Jun 10, 2012.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course presents the pedagogical and educational issues for people with physical disabilities, sensory, intellectual and physical impairments. Students are presented with different ways of approaching their skills of special education. At the core of the course will be how to design the special education: the evaluation of different skills, the construction of educational special.


1) The field of study Special Education. 

2) Deficit, handicap and disability: definitions, meanings, distinctions and issues. 

3) The special educational needs: the optics education in the treatment of physical disabilities, sensory, intellectual and physical impairments. 

4) Educational planning. 

5) The special educational action. 

6) Project life and adulthood paths in the presence of disability (emotional and sexual development, job placement, social participation, etc..). 

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be oral. 
 The student is required to bring the fundamental texts listed below.
1)Lascioli A., Educazione speciale. Dalla teoria all’azione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, in corso di stampa.

2)Sangalli A.L., Attività motoria compensativa, UnoEdizioni, Trento 2012.
3)Larocca F., Azione mirata. Per una metodologie della ricerca in educazione speciale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2003.

In addition to the basic texts, students are required to take the examination two of the following books Lascioli A., Handicap e pregiudizio. Le radici culturali, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2011 (nuova edizione).
Lascioli A., Saccomani R. (a cura di), Manuale di educazione speciale per insegnanti della scuola dell’infanzia, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2009.

Bogdascina O., Le percezione sensoriali nell’autismo e nella sindorme di Asperger, Uovonero edizioni, Crema, 2011
Larocca F., Azione mirata. Per una metodologie della ricerca in educazione speciale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2003.
Defranceschi M.,Michielin E., Sangalli A.L., Un cane diversamente abile. Pet-therapy e progettazione padagogica in contesti riabilitativi e terapeutici, Franco Angeli, Milano 2010.
Lascioli A., Menegoi L. (a cura di), Il disabile intellettivo lavora, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2006.
