This second language acquisition course aimed at students who presumably have acquired an intermediate level of spoken English intends to improve their skills in the foreign language through a better understanding of the different linguistic functions. By encouraging students to take an active part in the classroom, “learning by doing”, through a direct method of presentation with differential and contextual procedures, the following objectives should be attained:
1) Listening comprehension; listen and do;
2) Speaking; asking; explaining;
3) Reading, silent and aloud; read and answer
4) Writing; question and answer drills; summary writing; composition; syllabus writing in English
John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916) (3 chapters)
The text is available for download at the website:
The exam is oral and written. The students will have to pass a reading comprehension test and a conversation on the required text in English.
Students must attend lessons. Whoever misses a few lessons will have to study the first 5 chapters of Democracy and Education and be able to translate them into Italian and sustain a conversation on the topics of the book in English.
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