The formative objective of the course proposes him to furnish the principal theoretical knowledges around the themes of the deviance and the juvenile crime with particular respect to the study of the partner-environmental factors of risk. Close to the study of the active behaviors of the smaller subjects the delicate ones and complexes themes of the abuse and the juvenile (intra and extrafamiliare) maltreatment will be faced with particular rifermento to the processes of survey, signaling, treatment.
By the of our presentation and after a short analysis of the concepts of “minor”, “juvenile delinquency” and “deviance”, the study of the biological, psychological and social causes which induce a person to assume delinquent behaviours will be discussed. Afterwards will be presentend the developpement of the historical-legislative course which has characterized the interventions as for juvenile justice.
Expecial attention will be devoted to main question of child abuse and of the competence and responsability of social workers.
Recommended texts:
B. Barbero Avanzini, Devianza e controllo sociale, F. Angeli, Milano, 2002.
G. De Leo, La devianza minorile, Carocci, Roma , 1998.
N. Emler- S. Reicher, Adolescenti e devianza, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2000.
S. dazzi, F. Madeddu, Devianza e antisocialità, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2009.
G. Mostardi, G. Scardaccione, M. Petrosino, Minori a rischio, Come costruire un progetto di tutela, Franco Angeli, 2006.
P. Di Blasio, Tra rischio w protezione. Valutazione delle competenze genitoriali, Ed. Unicopli, 2005
F. Montecchi, Dal bambino minaccioso al bambino minacciato, Franco Angeli, 2005.
R. Luberti, M.T. Pedrocco Biancardi, La violenza assistita intrafamiliare. Percorsi di aiuto per bambini che vivono in famiglie violente, Franco Angeli, 2005.
Other bibliography will be suitable during the course.
the student must take an oral examination on the themes above suitable.
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