The workshops address 4 issues of great topical relevance. Prerequisites: preliminary reading of the textbook corresponding to the chosen workshop; written essay on the workshop’s question in order to encourage reflection, critical sense and investigation of the chosen topic. During the workshop the student will deepen his/her knowledge of the topic with respect to its possible implications on clinical psychology. Students are to choose only one of the proposed workshops. Attendance of the chosen topic’s workshop meeting is compulsory. Note that the students are expected to participate actively to the workshop meeting.
Workshop 1) Violence and adolescence.
P. Crepet (1995), “Cuori violenti”, Universale Economica Feltrinelli
Preliminary question: “Express your personal feelings and opinions about the textbook”
Workshop 2) The Feminine One.
M. Terragni (2007), “La scomparsa delle donne”, Mondadori
Preliminary question: “Show one critical reading of the text indicated with particular emphasis on your feelings and your personal opinions”
Workshop 3) Pedophilia and sexual abuse
S. Tamaro (1991), “Per voce sola”, BUR La Scala, first 3 chapters.
M.R. Parsi (2000), “Più furbi di Cappuccetto Rosso”, Oscar Mondatori
Preliminary question: “What might be the consequences of sexual abuse in the psychical development of a child? Which states of mind can be seen in stories of the child victims told in these accounts?”
Workshop 4) The schizophrenia
A.M. Sechehaye (1995), “Diario di una schizofrenica”, Giunti Editore
Preliminary question: “Explore your personal feelings from reading the text”
In conjunction with the workshop, a further topic will be proposed, which is to be developed in writing. The final assessment will be based on the two writing assignments, one written before the meeting, the other afterwards.
They may either be handed in in person or be sent by e-mail.
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