Public Law (2007/2008)

Course not running

Course code
Name of lecturer
Giovanni Guiglia
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Sem. I dal Oct 1, 2007 al Dec 18, 2007.

Lesson timetable

Learning outcomes

The course will be divided into two parts, in order to reach an adequate law knowledge gradually.
The first part will be focused on some basic and general notions, followed by an analysis of the basic principles and institutions of public law, according to their historical evolution. Such an approach will help first year students to overcome any conceptual and language difficulties.
The second part of the course will actively involve students: they will be invited to present an oral report on some specific issue, so that it will be possible to check their learning of the involved notions as well as their legal language. Such reports, if positively awarded, could raise some special didactic credits to be use during examinations.


1st part: public authority organization

1. State: politics and law.
2. Form of State.
3. Form of government.
4. Constitutional organization in Italy.
5. Regions and local government.
6. Public administration.

2nd part: public documents and rights protection

1. Law sources: general knowledges.
2. Constitution.
3. Italian system’s sources: State.
4. Europeean sources.
5. Self- governments sources.
6. Administrative documents and measures.
7. Rights and freedom.
8. Justice administration.
9. Constitutional justice.

• BIN R.-PITRUZZELLA G., Diritto Pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, ult. ed.

Furthermore, students shall know the rules of the Italian Constitution, of Regional Statues and of the principal statual laws (constitutional and ordinary):
• AA. VV., Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, Giuffrè, Milano, ult. ed.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam and optional oral examination.
