I am a primary school teacher with experience in in-service teacher training. During my career I have had the opportunity to hold the position of coordinating tutor for students in the Primary Education degree course at the Universities of Padua and Verona. This career path has allowed me to deepen my understanding of the dynamics of teaching and training at both school and university levels.
I am currently enrolled in the Doctorate in Human Sciences - XXXIX cycle, Education curriculum, with the aim of further refining my cultural and scientific training in order to improve the quality of my interventions in the educational and training contexts in which I work.
My research focuses on the analysis of adolescent discomfort and its potential development into deviant behaviour, including youth gang affiliation. The concept of 'discomfort' is particularly broad as it can be determined by a variety of social, psychological and environmental factors. The relationship between distress and youth deviance is a highly relevant issue, as some young people tend to engage in deviant behaviour as a response to the distress they experience. Given the complex and multidimensional nature of this phenomenon, it is essential to identify effective prevention and intervention strategies for this age group. Indeed, a preventive approach is crucial in order to intercept and manage young people's difficulties before they develop into more serious manifestations.
Modules running in the period selected: 18.
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