REsearch at the SERvice of Educational fragilitiesS (RE-SERVES)

Starting date
August 19, 2019
Duration (months)
Human Sciences
Managers or local contacts
Milana Marcella
education, frailty, vulnerability

RE-SERVES focuses attention on fragility and vulnerability issues in education, within the Italian context. Both fragility and vulnerability holds complex and multifaceted relations with education; accordingly, RE-SERVES builds on a composite research design. Besides its main focus on the relations between fragility, vulnerability and education, the project is structured in four sub-areas of in-depth investigation on topical issues in the Italian contemporary society, namely: civic dis-engagement; adolescents’ aggressive and violent behaviours; youth social and economic exclusion; and the frailty of incoming migrants and unaccompanied minors. While assuming a collective form, the project builds on an organic and structured framework in regards to its epistemological, methodological, political and ethical instances, so as to avoid the risk of fragmentation. But to allow for in-depth investigations, each topical issue identified by the project is made the centre of attention by a research unit. Accordingly, the project is organized in six Work Packages (WPs), of which WPs 1-4 are research-specific, and WPs 5-6 are dedicated to project management and dissemination activities, respectively.


Funds: assigned and managed by the department
Syllabus: PRIN

Project participants

Rosanna Cima
Associate Professor
Paola Dusi
Full Professor
Federico Leoni
Associate Professor
Marcella Milana
Associate Professor
Francesca Rapanà
Temporary Professor
Roberta Silva
Associate Professor
Chiara Sita'
Associate Professor
Tommaso Tuppini
Associate Professor
Marco Ubbiali
Associate Professor

Collaboratori esterni

Calogero Iacolino
UKE - Università Kore di ENNA
Alessandro Mariani
Università di Firenze
Research areas involved in the project
Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Social and political philosophy


Research facilities
