Psychology - PSICOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE (2020/2021)

Course code
Name of lecturer
Laura Fontecedro
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Language of instruction
Periodo lezioni PF24 dal Mar 22, 2021 al Jun 15, 2021.

To show the organization of the course that includes this module, follow this link * Course organization

Lesson timetable

Go to lesson schedule

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to know, master and apply:
1. the processes of development and adaptation of students to the school context;
2. the cognitive, affective, motivational processes of female students and students during their development paths and in relation to school paths;
3. The relationships between emotions and learning;
4. Learning processes in the context of secondary school;
5. The processes of construction of the self, the development of social competences, the processes of typical and atypical psychological development;
6. The phenomenon of bullying: theoretical elements, sharing of experiences and solutions;
7. the school-family bond and the building of a relationship of trust with parents.


The course will focus on the following thematic groups: processes of development and adaptation of students to the school context; cognitive, affective, motivational processes of students and students during their developmental pathways and in relation to school curricula; Relations between emotions and learning; cognitive, emotional and motivational correlates that mediate the relationship between technological innovations, learning and scholastic adaptation; reasoning and problem solving; self-building processes; development of social skills; typical and atypical psychological development processes; biological and neurophysiological foundations of typical and atypical psychological development processes; intercultural relations; the school-family relationship and the building of a relationship of trust with parents. Lectures will be accompanied by small and large group exercises on cases, tools, methods and projects.

The lessons will take place in mode: 50% recorded and 50% live zoom.

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Albiero P. (a cura di) Il benessere psicosociale in adolescenza Prospettive multidisciplinari Carocci editore, Roma 2012 9788843060351 capitoli: 2, 5, 7.
D'Amico S., Piccardi L. Psicologia per insegnare Zanichelli, Bologna 2019 capitoli: 2 e 3.

Assessment methods and criteria

the exam will be written online on the moodle platform:
the written test of Social Psychology (3 CFU) will be carried out jointly with the test of Educational Psychology (3 CFU, Prof. Fontecedro):
it will include 20 multiple choice questions equally related to the two modules of developmental psychology and social psychology.
The dates will be published in due time.

There are no differences between attending students and non-attending students in relation to exam content, modes and texts.
