The Work Psychology Course provides to the students the knowledge of the main phenomena that characterize the human behaviour in the productive structures of the organized social systems .
For this reason the course will be consider those psychological and psychosocial phenomena that characterize the relationship of the individual with the productive structures and with the mechanized and organized work. A special consideration will be given to the comprehension of the various consequent phenomena to the external and internal changes of the organizations and to their consequences on the working behaviours.
A.Work Psychology birth and evolution.
B.Psychological and psychosocial aspects related to work.
C.Work Psychology: work psychology today; work and psychological problems related to it; recruitment, selection, training, formation; new competences, roles, appraisal and development of the staff (Assessment Centre, etc); work groups, organizational climate and management of the conflicts; work motivation; new technologies and work; product/service quality; customer satisfaction; social psychology of the underemployment and of the unemployment; ergonomics.
Written examination:
Novara, Sarchielli (1996), Fondamenti di Psicologia del lavoro, Il Mulino, Bologna
Oral examination:
A book to chose in the bibliography:
F. Avallone, A. Paplomatas (2005), Salute organizzativa. Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano.
A. Battistelli (a cura di) (2001), I giovani e la scelta imprenditoriale, Guerini Studio, Milano.
A. D’Amato, V. Majer (2005) Il vantaggio del clima. Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano.
M. Depolo (a cura di) (2003), Mobbing: quando la prevenzione è intervento. Aspetti giuridici e psicosociali del fenomeno. Franco Angeli, Milano.
G. Favretto (2005) (a cura di) Le forme del mobbing. Cause e conseguenze di dinamiche organizzative, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano.
G. Favretto (2007), Organizzare la soddisfazione in sanità, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
G. Favretto (1994), Lo stress nelle organizzazioni, Il Mulino, Bologna.
G. Favretto, A. Comucci Tajoli (1988), Insegnare oggi: Soddisfazione o stress?, Franco Angeli, Milano.
G. Favretto, C.M. Rappagliosi (1997), Dirigenza Scolastica. Problemi, Stress, Soluzioni, Armando Editore, Roma.
C. Rappagliosi (2003), Scuola e qualità: la customer satisfaction, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
A. Pedon, R. Maeran (2002), Psicologia e mondo del lavoro. Temi introduttivi alla psicologia del lavoro. Led, Milano.
The examination is composed of two parts: a written examination (30 questions with multiple choice) and a oral examination.
Reference books: Written examination: Novara, Sarchielli (1996), Fondamenti di Psicologia del lavoro, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Oral examination: a book to chose in the bibliography.
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