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The course will be devoted to study how Regions are organized and structured in order to describe the Italian regional system, taking into consideration the main steps which marked its development. Especially, the constitutional reforms of 1999 and 2001 will be deeply analysed as they modified title 5th title of the 2nd part of the Italian Constitution. There will be some introductory lessons, followed by students’ active participation. Students will be invited to present an oral report on some specific issue, so that it will be possible to check their learning of the involved notions as well as their legal language. Such reports, if positively awarded, could raise some special didactic credits to be use during examinations.
1.Historical introduction.
2.Form of government.
5.Legislative function.
6.Administrative function.
•CAVALERI P., Diritto regionale, CEDAM, Padova, 2009 (except Parte terza: Garanzie e collaborazione);
Furthermore, students shall know the rules of the Italian Constitution, of Regional Statutes and of the principal statutal laws (constitutional and ordinary):
•AA. VV., Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, Giuffrè, Milano, ult. ed.
Written exam.
Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17
37129 Verona
VAT number01541040232
Italian Fiscal Code93009870234
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