Library of Educational Science, Department of Human Sciences

The library has around 18,5000 volumes and is subscribed to 100 Italian periodicals and 50 foreign periodicals. There is a reading room with 20 seats. All library materials are catalogued on OPAC.

Opening times

Si comunica che lunedì 10 febbraio la Biblioteca chiude alle ore 17

lunedì-giovedì: 9-18; venerdì: 9-13 



Ricerca bibliografica

Stefania  Brunelli
Responsabile:+39 045 8028402 - Sala lettura: +39 045 8028180
biblioteche|umanistiche*ateneo|univr|it; stefania|brunelli@univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17 37129 Verona
Palazzo Zorzi-Polfranceschi,  Floor 1°,  Room M03

Stefania Brunelli

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