To make to gather the historical dimension of the educational facts and the consequent pedagogic reflections through the knowledge of meaningful Authors of the modern and contemporary age, not without - also important - references to the classical and medieval paideia.
To promote mentality and perspectives planning in the educational action.
Features of history of the educational institutions and the pedagogic conceptions, kind of those proper of the western civilization, from the age Greek-Roman to the contemporary age, with great close examinations for the Authors of 1800 and 1900 and with particular attention to the educational experience and the pedagogic reflection of Maria Montessori and don Lorenzo Milani.
Testi per l’esame:
G.Chiosso (a cura),L'educazione nell'Europa moderna, Mondadori Univ.2007
J.M.Prellezo, R.Lanfranchi, Educazione e pedagogia nei solchi della storia, vol.III, SEI, Torino 1996 o successive ristampe.
M.Montessori, La scoperta del bambino, ed. economica “Gli elefanti”, Garzanti, Milano, 2000 o successive ristampe.
Milani L., Esperienze pastorali, LEF, Firenze 1958 o successive ristampe.
Butturini E., La pace giusta. Testimoni e maestri tra `800 e `900, Mazziana, Verona 2007, IV edizione.
Oral interviews, partly replaceable with the share of the frequenting students the course to a seminar on a "classical" of the pedagogy, proposed by the teacher.
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