This course is conceived to initiate the students into pedagogic and educative problems of the disabled. It is propaedeutic for the epistemological and teaching-methods problems. The students will be initiated into the most suitable methods of thought and attitude to set up an effective relationship with motor, sensory, intellective, and psychic disabled.
As for the Practical Module, the students will be suggested practical methods of special educational intervention.
This course is divided into two parts: in the first part (8 credits) the students will achieve the theoretical and methodological aspects of the pedagogical approach to the Special Education Needs. In the second part (2 credits) they will learn some methods of special education.
As for the first part the main subjects are:
1) Special Pedagogy.
2) Deficit, handicap and disability: definition, meaning, differences, and problems.
3) Special Education Needs: educational viewpoint in the treatment of handicap.
4) Problems of special education researches: the action as the privileged viewpoint.
5) Pedagogical Projects and Educational Planning: pedagogical conditions, the logic of the dispositions, conditions of practice, and the logic of the action.
6) The action in special education: how to overcome the handicap.
7) Problems of special education: the educational individualized approach for the blinds, deaf, spastic, trisomic, feeble-minded, cranium-injured, psychotic, neurotic subjects.
8) Life Planning and Growth Planning.
During the course, many experiences will be presented to the students as well as testimonies of special educational practice in the school, in the associations, and in the institutions of the territory
Basic References (Theory Module):
1)Larocca F., Azione mirata. Per una metodologia della ricerca in educazione speciale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2003.
2)Larocca F., Pedagogia speciale, Erickson, Trento, 2000.
3)Lascioli A., Elementi introduttivi alla Pedagogia speciale, LEU, Verona, 2001.
4)Lascioli A., Handicap e pregiudizio, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2001.
Besides the basic References, the students must prepare two of the textbooks or chapters recommended for the examination. See the FILE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.
Oral exam.
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