Luigi Tronca

Foto_Luigi_TRONCA,  December 19, 2016
Full Professor
Academic sector
GSPS-05/A - General Sociology
Research sector (ERC-2024)
SH3_4 - Social integration, exclusion, prosocial behaviour

SH3_7 - Social policies, welfare, work and employment

Research sector (ERC)
SH2_2 - Social inequalities, social exclusion, social integration

SH2_4 - Social policies, educational policies, welfare

Chiostro S. Maria della Vittoria,  Floor 1,  Room 1.30
+39 045 8028075
luigi|tronca*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Tuesday, Hours 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM,   Chiostro S. Maria della Vittoria, Floor 1, room 1.30
Please note that it is possible to attend the office hours also remotely, via Zoom (


Luigi Tronca, Ph.D. graduate in Sociology (Department of Sociology, University of Bologna), is Full Professor of General Sociology at the University of Verona. He is member of the Department of Human Sciences (University of Verona). His theoretical and empirical research is devoted on the topics of social capital, social network analysis, consumption, third sector, and governance models.


Modules running in the period selected: 56.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2024/2025)   9  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2024/2025)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE (Lezione)
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Sociology of social networks in emergency situations (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
PhD programme in Human Sciences Introduzione alla Social Network Analysis (2024/2025)   2   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2023/2024)   9  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2023/2024)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE (Lezione)
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Sociology of social networks in emergency situations (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2022/2023)   9  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2022/2023)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE (Lezione)
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2021/2022)   9  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2021/2022)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE (Lezione)
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2020/2021)   9  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2020/2021)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE (Laboratorio)
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2019/2020)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2019/2020)   9   
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2019/2020)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE (Esercitazione)
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2018/2019)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2018/2019)   9   
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Sociology of Social Innovation (2018/2019)   9  eLearning SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS E INTERVENTO DI RETE
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2018/2019)   6   
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2017/2018)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics (2017/2018)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2017/2018)   6   
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2016/2017)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2016/2017)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2016/2017)   6   
Master's degree in Emergency Governance Reorganisation of community structures (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2015/2016)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2014/2015)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2014/2015)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2013/2014)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2013/2014)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2012/2013)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2012/2013)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2012/2013)   7    SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2011/2012)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science Sport sociology (2011/2012)   7    SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Theories and techniques of the primary socialization (2010/2011)   6   
Masters in Preventative and Adapted Exercise Science Monitoring and assessment III ( the Elderly) (2009/2010)   9    SOCIOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI CULTURALI E COMUNICATIVI
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [Cognomi A-L] (2009/2010)   9   
Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences Sociology and analysis of social dynamics [indirizzo per l'educatore dell'infanzia e della preadolescenza] (2008/2009)   9   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) INTERGENERATIONAL RELATIONS SOCIOLOGY (2007/2008)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) Social network analysis (2007/2008)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) INTERGENERATIONAL RELATIONS SOCIOLOGY (2006/2007)   4   
Degree in Education Studies (until 2007-2008) Social network analysis (2006/2007)   4   

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - SCHOOL (ARIdip – SCHOOL)
The Group proposes a research project on the topic "School and social cohesion in Italy".
Sociology of consumption
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Social network analysis Application of social network analysis to the study of structural conditioning of action. Research methods in the Human Sciences
Social capital Theoretical and empirical analysis of the concept of social capital, particularly starting from a relational and structural interactionist approach. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Consumption Study of consumption and purchase behavior of individuals and networks. Inclusive societies and citizenship practices
Title Starting date
PRIN 2022 - Social capital as resource of care practice in Italy: Caregiving and social support in pandemic time (Prot. 2022B58JHF) 10/15/23
ATLAS#VERONETTA For an integrated supportive community. Network intervention among the University of Verona, LAA-LAVUE ENSA Paris La Villette and Associations 9/1/16
JP2014 - Dire Famiglia. Social innovation nei servizi per la famiglia in tempi di crisi 10/27/14
Riforma dei sistemi di welfare a livello europeo e ruolo del capitale sociale (primario, generalizzato e istituzionale) 1/1/14
I paradigmi relazionali della ricerca sociale 9/1/13
Metodologie relazionali della ricerca sociale 2/1/12
Young people in Europe. Social capital, civicness and identity in the process of European integration 1/1/12
Personal network analysis: teorie e metodi di ricerca 12/1/11
Culture e reti di società civile in Italia 5/1/11
le famiglie italiane di fronte alla crisi: strategie di consumo e stili di vita 1/1/10
Osservatorio sulle Strategie di Consumo delle Famiglie 10/16/09
L’efficacia dell’intervento dei CAT sui modelli comportamentali e sul capitale sociale degli alcolisti: uno studio longitudinale in Friuli Venezia Giulia” 1/1/08
Capitale sociale e benefici pubblici: reti di prossimità e cicli di vita della famiglia 9/1/07
Relazioni comunitarie e capitale sociale nella realtà veronese 9/1/05


Department facilities
