
Developmental changes in the relationship between the infant’s attention and emotion during early face-to-face communication: The 2-month transition  (2005)

Lavelli, Manuela; Fogel, A.
Developmental changes in the relationship between the infant’s attention and emotion during early face-to-face communication: The 2-month transition
Type of item:
Articolo in Rivista
Tipologia ANVUR:
Articolo su rivista
A Stampa
Name of journal:
Developmental Psychology
ISSN of journal:
N° Volume:
Number or Folder:
American Psychological Association
Page numbers:
Early emotional development, early attention development. mother-infant communication, change processes
Short description of contents:
This study documented developmental changes in the emotional aspects of infant’s attention to the mother’s face during face-to-face communication between birth and 3 months, across the key developmental transition from endogenous to exogenous smiling. 16 mother-infant dyads were videotaped weekly during a naturalistic face-to-face interaction. Six infant facial expressions identified using the Baby FACS coding system were found to co-occur at greater than chance level with Gaze At the Mother’s face revealing a coupling between emotion and attention. Analysis of the developmental trajectories of each expression for each dyad showed a change from the dominance of Simple Attention (without other emotion expressions) to the dominance of active and emotionally positive forms of attention to the mother toward the end of the 2nd month, supporting the hypothesis of a qualitative change in the relationship between attention and emotion known as the 2-month transition. The results support an “overlapping waves” model, rather than a stage model of developmental change. Findings from sequential analysis also showed developmental changes from a cycling between Gaze Elsewhere and Simple Attention to the Mother’s face in the early weeks, to a complex sequence of transitions between Concentrated Attention, Smile and Cooing Expressions nested into sequences of positive feedback between infant and mother behavior during the second and the third months. This indicates that the relationship between receptive and approaching patterns of infant attention and emotion cannot be considered independently of maternal behavior.
Citazioni: 80 (Scopus). Developmental Psychology 5-year-IF: 4.784. Rilevanza e originalità/innovazione: il prodotto offre nuove conoscenze nel settore di riferimento, sia in termini di dati empirici sullo sviluppo della relazione tra attenzione e stati emozionali durante la comunicazione faccia-a-faccia in un periodo relativamente inesplorato come quello dei primissimi mesi di vita, sia in termini metodologici. Offre infatti un esempio di utilizzo di disegno microgenetico e dei vantaggi che questo approccio comporta nello studio dei processi di cambiamento. Internazionalizzazione e finanziamenti del progetto: il prodotto è frutto di una solida collaborazione scientifica internazionale con il prof. Alan Fogel (University of Utah, USA). Il progetto è stato finanziato da una grant del NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health, USA) assegnata ad Alan Fogel per il quinquennio 1999-2004, e dal finanziam. PRIN 2004-2006 assegnato a Manuela Lavelli, come coordinatore scientifico locale (Università di Verona).
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Deposited On:
February 22, 2013
Last Modified:
November 15, 2022
Bibliographic citation:
Lavelli, Manuela; Fogel, A., Developmental changes in the relationship between the infant’s attention and emotion during early face-to-face communication: The 2-month transition «Developmental Psychology» , vol. 41 , n. 12005pp. 265-280

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