The corse intends to introduce the students to the historical, technical and aesthetical knowledge of the cinema, from the classic movie sto the present time.
Cinema and History: the Italian masterpieces
Testi per l’esame:
Cinema italiano d'autore, vol. II, dal 1966 al 2001, Cierre 2008 (al posto di Cinema italiano d'autore, Cierre 2006)
M. Guidorizzi, Musica e immagine, Cedam 2005;
M. Guidorizzi, M. Tedeschi Turco, Guardare e vedere – Guida all’analisi del film, Mazziana 1995.
An oral examination about the requested bibliography with a personal choice of one italian film, preferably analyzed during the lessons, to discuss with the professor.
We deeply advice the working students to attend one or two lessons at least.
Who purposes to iterate the examination is requested to agree upon the professor.
Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17
37129 Verona
VAT number01541040232
Italian Fiscal Code93009870234
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