Research groups

Departmental Interdisciplinary Research - NEW FRAGILITIES (ARIdip - NEW FRAGILITIES)

In the current social context there are growing areas of uneasy distress and suffering which are not sufficiently known. These are new fragilities, which are typically immaterial and existential and they deepen the concept of social disease. These new fragilities, moreover, are characterized by invisibility, non-exposure, and sometimes even by the desired concealment of those who are victims of the fragility itself. Female bullying, asylum seekers and their protection systems, trauma dimension and migrations, chronic and disabling diseases, anti-Gypsyism on the web, financial difficulties, existential harm, aggressive behavior towards primary and secondary school teachers are the objects that the group has chosen to build an interdisciplinary research dedicated on the topic of new fragilities.
Maria Livia Alga
Temporary Professor
Antonietta De Vita
Associate Professor
Luca Mori
Associate Professor
Riccardo Panattoni
Full Professor
Michele Scandola
Associate Professor
Rosanna Cima
Associate Professor
Cristina Lonardi
Associate Professor
Valentina Moro
Full Professor
Stefania Pontrandolfo
Associate Professor
Gianluca Solla
Associate Professor
Topic Research area
Bayesian statistics in cognitive sciences Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Mathematical
Anti-Gypsyism /Antinomadism Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Applied Anthropology Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Anthropology of Romani Groups Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Anthropology of migration Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Anthropology of Education Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Anthropology of development Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Decolonial intercultural approach Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Special aspects of education
Narrative approach Teorie e pratiche della cura
Special aspects of education
Global active citizenship and partecipation Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Corpo e cognizione Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Cultura comune della cura Formazione e organizzazioni
Special aspects of education
Gender education Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Epistemology and Hermeneutics of Ethnographic Research Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa sul fare comunità Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Experimental Ethnography Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Philosophy of images Radici e culture della contemporaneità
The object of the research will concern the conceptual and lexical structures of the debate about migrations. The aim of the research is to elaborate models of cohabitation already in progress and to show how the presence of subjects from other cultures restructures the idea of living, the very form of the cities and constitutes a true "invention of the everyday life". Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Philosophy of the unconscious. Teorie e pratiche della cura
Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Teorie e pratiche della cura
Narrative Medicine Teorie e pratiche della cura
Qualitative and post-qualitative research methods Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychometrics and data analysis; Methods in psychological research Metodi di ricerca nelle scienze umane
Psychology, Experimental
Movimenti sociali Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Sociology and anthropology
Iconic Neo-structuralism and visual studies Radici e culture della contemporaneità
Neuropsychology Radici e culture della contemporaneità
Psychology, Experimental
Neuropsicologia Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Psychology, Multidisciplinary
cognitive neurosciences Radici e culture della contemporaneità
Psychology, Experimental
Pedagogy of work-related learning Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Interpersonal relationships at workplace Formazione e organizzazioni
Participated research Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Special aspects of education
Qualitative research Teorie e pratiche della cura
Psychology, Social
Health and Quality of Life Teorie e pratiche della cura
Sociology of Memory Radici e culture della contemporaneità
Sociology of imaginary Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Cognitive training Teorie e pratiche della cura
Psychology, Experimental
Social Theory Società inclusive e pratiche di cittadinanza
Title Managers Sponsors Starting date Duration (months)
Dalla vittimizzazione all’empowerment Rosanna Cima, Maria Livia Alga Feb 1, 2017 36
Identity, styles of consumption and process of impoverishment of the middle class Luca Mori Dipartimento di Scienze Umane (fondi FUR) - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento Mar 6, 2018 24
Stigma and invisible diseases as New Fragilities Cristina Lonardi Dipartimento di Scienze Umane (fondi FUR) - assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento Mar 5, 2018 24
Studio sull'uso di questioni rom da parte dei politici sul web e sulle nuove forme di antiziganismo sul web Stefania Pontrandolfo May 1, 2018 5
Across the city in wheelchair: the visible and invisible, virtual and real changes in the exploration of the urban environment Michele Scandola Nov 9, 2018 12


Research facilities
