Surveying young people association trends is a recent start both on a pedagogic and historical viewpoint. The research is aimed to underline the educational meaning of this phenomenon and to detect some essential lines of its evolution also with reference to the changes of young people society and in a broader sense of Italian cultural world.
Henceforth this course is going to supply with a sharper approach to the pedagogic relevance of the experience of young people aggregations.
The first experiences of young people associations developed between the end of XIXth and the beginning of the XXth century. Relevant pedagogic topics shared by some of the bigger young people societies with educational purposes will be shown. Special attentino will be laid on their developments in the time after WWII and particularly the 80ties and 90ties.
Guidelines of social pedagogy, with special reference to the educational role of the education-targeted group.
Changes and main characteristics of young people world especially with reference to the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.
Short history of the first experiences of young people association between the end of XIXth and the beginning of the XXth century.
Basic lines of the evolution of some young people associations in the time after WWII and particularly the 80ties and 90ties.
Notwithstanding the Vademecum information, also 1st year students may attend this course and give the exam.
General lectures will be followed by seminare meetings aimed at involving the students in holding talks focused on aspects of the main young people associations, that may be relevant on a pedagogic and historical viewpoint. At least three meetings will focus the 140th anniversary of the foundation of Società della Gioventù Cattolica Italiana and the centenary of World Scout Movement.
Suggested readings:
- P. Dal Toso, L’associazionsmo giovanile in Italia Gli anni Sessanta - Ottanta, SEI, Torino 1995.
- Lineamenti di storia dell’associazionismo giovanile, to be printed soon.
- You can choose a book concernine either Società della Gioventù Cattolica Italiana (Giovanni Acquaderni e Mario Fani) or the spreading of catholic scout movement in Italy between 1916 and 1928.
-More accurate book references shall be given during the lectures and on the dedicated space of the university website.
A talk, that may be partly replaced with an active student’s participation in a seminary.
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