Bachelor's degree
The three-year degree ensures a command of methods, general contents and specific knowledge which may be put to use in working practice.
Combined Bachelor and Masters - Five year degree
Combined Bachelor and Masters - Five year degree
Master's degrees
Corsi di aggiornamento
Corsi di formazione continua
Corso di formazione continua
Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale
Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale Post Laurea
Corsi per le attività di sostegno didattico
Corsi per le attività di sostegno didattico
Corso intensivo educatore socio-pedagogico
Corso intensivo educatore socio-pedagogico
Percorsi formativi 30CFU (seconda abilitazione)
Percorso formativo 30CFU
Percorso formativo 24CFU
Percorso formativo 24CFU
Percorso formativo 30CFU e 60CFU
Percorso formativo 30CFU e 60CFU
Percorso formativo 5CFU
Percorso formativo 5CFU
Bachelor’s degrees (no longer running)
Bachelor’s degrees (no longer running)
Master’s degrees (no longer running)
Master’s degrees (no longer running)
PhD programmes
The doctorate (PhD) is the III level of studies, after the "laurea" (Bachelor) and the "laurea specialistica/magistrale" (Master). Its objective is education through research. Admission is limited and based on merit.
Advanced / Professional development courses
Advanced / Professional development courses
Short Masters programmes
First and second level courses in post-graduate scientific areas, giving a high permanent and recurrent training
Previous system degree courses
Previous system degree courses (only post-third year courses are running)
Finalised courses
Information on finalised courses already running